Tinga Tostadas
1 hour
4 persons
Many people think that Mexican cuisine consists mainly of TexMex dishes, such as burritos and hard tacos. However, Mexican cuisine has much more to offer than that. It consists of very unique culinary dishes. One of them is the 'Tinga de Pollo'. This recipe comes from Puebla, a city close to Mexico City. This city is known as 'La cuna del Maiz' , the birthplace of corn. Tinga de Pollo is pulled chicken, pulled apart chicken, prepared in a sauce of chipotle peppers, tomatoes and sliced onion. Traditionally, tinga is served as a stew or on a corn tostada. Daniela gave us the authentic recipe for this tinga, both with chicken and vegetarian, and we ate it on a tostada with different toppings.
Step 1a - Cook the chicken
Place a pan of water on the stove and add plenty of salt.
When the water boils, add the chicken with a clove of peeled garlic.
Let everything cook for 30 minutes until the meat is done.
Remove the chicken from the water (don't throw the water away!) and pull it apart with two forks to make 'pulled chicken'
Set the water mixture (stock) aside.
Step 1b (vegetarian) - Prepare the jackfruit
Wash the jackfruit well with cold water to make it less sweet.
Prepare a cup of vegetable stock
Pull the jackfruit apart with your fingers so that it looks like pulled chicken
Step 2 - Prepare the tinga
Cut the tomatoes into large pieces and put them in a blender together with two chipotles, a clove of garlic, salt, pepper and a cup of the stock and grind until fine.
Cut the onions into half rings and fry them in the pan.
Once the onion has become transparent, add the sauce and the pulled chicken or jackfruit.
Let everything simmer for 15 minutes.
Add salt and pepper to taste and let it simmer for another 5 minutes over low heat.
Step 3 - Serve the tinga on the tostadas
Spread the tostadas with a layer of bean spread
Divide the chicken/jackfruit mixture, the tinga, over the tostadas.
Then sprinkle some iceberg lettuce, sour cream and crumbled cheese on the dish.
Also delicious with guacamole!
For 4 persons:
Olive oil
600 grams of chicken (thigh) fillets
6 large white onions
2 cloves of garlic
6 - 8 large tomatoes
1 can of chipotles in adobo sauce (La Morena)
12 corn tostadas (La Morena)
125 grams of sour cream
100 grams of crumbled cheese (panela or feta)
100 grams of iceberg lettuce
1 can black bean spread (La Morena)
Vegetarian option
2 cans of jackfruit (instead of chicken)
Vegetable stock cube
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