Peyaj Posto
30 minutes
4 persons
'Posto' means poppy seed. In Indian cuisine, white poppy seeds are used extensively to add texture, thickness and flavor to recipes. In these dishes, ground poppy seeds are prepared into a paste that is added during cooking. The basic dish is Aloo Posto, a traditional Bengali recipe of potatoes in a lightly spiced poppy seed paste. There are countless variations on this basic dish, in which the potatoes are replaced or supplemented with other ingredients, such as chicken (murgi posto), pointed pumpkin (potol posto) and shrimp (chingri posto). We received Amrita's family recipe for Peyaj Posto, the version with onions. A delicious side dish for a traditional Indian meal. We combined it with the Bengali chicken curry.
Soak the poppy seeds in water for 15 minutes. Strain out the water.
Cut the onion into thin slices.
Cook the rice according to the package.
Step 1: Prepare the poppy seed paste
Grind the soaked poppy seeds together with the ginger in a grinder or mortar.
Add a little water and grind again.
Continue this process until it is a fine paste and set aside.
Step 2: Prepare the Peyaj Posto
Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat.
Add cumin seeds and the whole red peppers.
As soon as the cumin seeds start to smell, add the onion and fry until it turns light brown. Stir the onions constantly so that it cooks evenly.
Add turmeric powder and salt and mix well.
Add the poppy seed paste.
Keep stirring until the raw taste of poppy seeds disappears and oil comes out of the mixture.
Add a little water if necessary.
Step 3: Serve the Peyaj Posto
Turn off the heat. Pour the mixture into a bowl.
Mix the peyaj Posto with the cooked rice and serve.
We ate it with the Bengali curry with chicken.